
Monday, July 18, 2005

The heavy day

Ok so I have went back to some old training for the time being....... i am enjoying it and the strains I felt whilst doing the CF stuff have pretty much so dissappeared now. Anyway did the following the other day:

5 sets of Dumb-bell bench press: 27kg & 30kg - 6 to 8 reps
4 sets of Incline bench press on Smith Machine: 30Kg & 45Kg (not inluding the bar) - 6 to 8 reps
4 sets of Dumb-bell arm curls: 14kg & 16Kg - 8 reps
1 set of Dumb-bell arm curls: 12 Kg - 12 reps

40 mins on Illyptical Trainer: Level 7, 70 - 85 RPM


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