
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Interesting Times

Ok so I could start this with the obligatory "I'm back" statement ..... but nope! Not quite sure where to start. If you continue to read on you will quickly realize why I do not really know where to go from or to what extent. I reckon to stop any unnecessary gap filling sentences I will try and keep things summarized. So .... August 2013 saw me badly hurting my lower back after a bad fall backwards onto the edge of 3x2 paving slabs. Lots of damage and training suffered greatly as I was out the game for many many weeks. Jan '14 saw the start of personal stress build with looking after my dad and mum Sept '14 saw my mum coming out of hospital and into rest-bite then into new home. This was very upsetting as I had to clear the old family home Oct '14 - after many months of my dad being ill and being in and out of hospital he sadly passed away this month Oct '14 saw the beginning of the most frightening and challenging journeys I have faced in life .... after going to my own GP to see about indigestion/stress stuff I accidentally found out that I had prostate cancer - this is where my world seemed to come to an end. I was already at rock bottom with all the stuff I had dealt with regarding dad and mum and then to find this out was .... well not sure how to put into words. May '15 - it has been a very upsetting and difficult 7 months but worth it. Had surgery which was successful and blood score suggests it is as good as gone. I am only about 8 weeks out of surgery so this is still very raw to me. - POINT TO NOTE: If you are a male reader please, please, please do not hesitate getting yourself checked if you think you have issues peeing ... its not worth ignoring!!! So ..... body is weak, mind is weak, but .... starting to climb back up. Training started last night ... a walk on treadmill!!! .... ahhhhh ...... but one step at a time. Special note to my lovely Yvonne who has been there through all my ups and downs with this. Here is to a bright and fit future